Posts tagged technical debt
Reporting Flake8 finding as GitHub Annotations
- 01 September 2023
In Extending GitHub Actions with Annotations the output of GitHub Actions was transformed into Annotations that could be shown in the web interface. The example shows that part for Flake8 which is a framework for different plugins to be combined and scan Python code on common mistakes and improvements. But later in 2023 a plugin was release for Flake8 to generate a report that can be used by GitHub Annotations.
By changing to GitHub Actions workflow file as shown in the example below, then the plugin flake8-github-annotations is installed and the flake8 commands are executed with the option --format github
like as with yamllint. The lines to add the probem matcher can also be removed.
Check Python with Flake8 Bugbear
- 29 July 2023
Flake8 is a Python tool that checks Python code for style, programming errors, and help reduce code complexity. It is a wrapper around PyFlakes, pycodestyle, and Ned Batchelder’s McCabe script. Flake8 has a plugin structure and there are many plugins available. One of the plugins is Flake8 Bugbear. Flake8 Bugbear is a plugin for Flake8 that finds likely bugs and design problems in your program. It is a plugin for Flake8 that adds rules from the community that are not included in the core flake8 package.
As Flake8 Bugbear is a plugin for Flake8, you need to install Flake8 first. You can install Flake8 Bugbear with pip for example and in the example below Flake8 Bugbear is installed into a virtual environment.
Upgrading to Terraform 1.5
- 01 July 2023
Pinning Terraform versions is a good practice to ensure that your infrastructure-as-code (IaC) is always deployed with a known version of Terraform. This is especially important when using Terraform Cloud, as the version of Terraform used to plan and apply changes is not always the same as the version used to develop the IaC. This can lead to unexpected errors and behavior, but this also requires that you keep your Terraform version up-to-date in the different configuration files.
In post Run Terraform within GitHub Codespaces Terraform was installed in the devcontainer using features. To upgrade Terraform, simply update the version number in the devcontainer.json
file as shown below.
Run Terraform with GitHub Actions
- 24 June 2023
In previous post Run Terraform within GitHub Codespaces the Terraform environment was setup within GitHub Codespaces. The next step is to run Terraform with GitHub Actions via Terraform Cloud as part of a workflow and scan the Terraform code with KICS is the first step to reduce technical debt as described in the post KICS.
Let’s start with the workflow file .github/workflows/terraform.yml
to run a KICS scan to verify the Terraform code. The workflow is triggered on push and pull request on the master branch. The Terraform code is checked out and the KICS scan is executed. The KICS scan is configured to run on the Terraform code in the directory terraform
and the results are stored in the directory build
. The KICS scan is configured to run on the Terraform platform and the output formats are JSON and SARIF so the results can be processed later. The KICS scan is configured to fail on high and medium severity issues. The KICS scan is configured to not add comments to the pull request and to exclude the query with the ID 1e434b25-8763-4b00-a5ca-ca03b7abbb66
during the scan.
Switching to molecule-plugins
- 28 April 2023
Ansible roles are a great way to organize and share your infrastructure-as-code between projects. Those roles can be tested with Molecule, which is a great tool to test your roles against multiple platforms and Ansible versions. Running these tests in a CI/CD pipeline is a great way to ensure that your roles are working as expected and that you don’t introduce regressions.
These tests can be executed in different forms, but the most common one is to use Docker containers. This is one of the configurations for Molecule, and it works great. The example workflow below shows how to run Molecule tests in a GitHub Actions pipeline:
Fix an Ansible-lint key-order violation
- 25 February 2023
Ansible allows for structured configurations on how to deploy applications and servers, but also for repetitive tasks. All these actions are defined in YAML files that rely on indentation and this is where Ansible can act in a way that isn’t expected. With yamllint most formatting and layout issues can be found, but with ansible-lint also common mistakes for Ansible can be detected.
As ansible-lint is a step in the CI-workflow a dependency upgrade started a CI-workflow to scan all Ansible Playbooks to be scanned with the latest version of Ansible-lint and found a violation that must be resolved before the pull request can be successfully merged. Running Ansible-lint after checking out the code the error shown below was found and indicates that the order of the keys in YAML isn’t in the correct order.
Extending GitHub Actions with Annotations
- 04 January 2023
With the introduction of GitHub Actions automated testing became more accessible and integrated into the pull requests to make it more clear what is being merged and if it checks off all requirements. This makes other services like Dependabot easy to use and keep your code up to date, but these small changes in dependencies for example. Reviewing code or documentation changes can be more difficult when a linter like yamllint or flake8 gives an error or warning as you have to dig into the logs to search for what is wrong.
GitHub Actions also support annotations that can be presented in the web interface to directly see which notifications there are including files and line numbers as shown below. This way feedback from a workflow executed by GitHub Actions is presented in the web interface.

Require a specific Terraform version
- 03 January 2023
HashiCorp offers Terraform Cloud as a service to run Terraform and keep the state instead of having a local copy of the state databases. This is great to make full use of Infrastructure-as-Code tools like Terraform and everyone can run them without losing the correct state. But when setting up a deployment plan a specific version of Terraform has to be selected manually in the webinterface, and you also have to manually increase it when new versions come out.
As the version, for now, can only be set via the webinterface of Terraform Cloud and allow a lot of people to forget to set it to a higher version causing life-cycle-management issues plans do work for repository A, but not for repository B as both plans use a different version of Terraform. While currently now option exists to define the version of Terraform to use when the plan runs, the configuration allows to specify the version of Terraform is required.
Start using GitHub Dependabot
- 31 October 2020
GitHub bought a service called Dependabot a while back and is now integrating this service as a GitHub Application into the ecosystem. This allows GitHub users to automatically do dependency management and get alerted when a security-related update has been found. For a while this service was in beta but it is now enabled for all public repositories and can be enabled for private repositories as well.
Let’s start simple and create file .github/dependabot.yml
in the repository with the content below will tell Dependabot to scan all your GitHub workflows daily for GitHub Actions that are defined and have a newer release available. It will also create a pull request that can be merged when approved.
Using bare variables in Ansible 2.8
- 02 June 2019
Ansible 2.8 was released in May 2019 and later in May came to Fedora 30 in package form. So the first tests could be done to see what needed to be done to switch from 2.7 to 2.8 and don’t generate a lot of stopped GitLab CI jobs due to new warnings and errors. Let’s start with one warning that needs to be resolved before the 2.12 release and also is given on many third-party roles.
The example code above is simple enough to get the warning about CONDITIONAL_BARE_VARS. We could opt for disabling the warning in ansible.cfg
and move forward, but as this is the technical debt we don’t want to get more and resolve the current debt as quickly as possible.