Start using GitHub Dependabot#

GitHub bought a service called Dependabot a while back and is now integrating this service as a GitHub Application into the ecosystem. This allows GitHub users to automatically do dependency management and get alerted when a security-related update has been found. For a while this service was in beta but it is now enabled for all public repositories and can be enabled for private repositories as well.

Getting started#

Let’s start simple and create file .github/dependabot.yml in the repository with the content below will tell Dependabot to scan all your GitHub workflows daily for GitHub Actions that are defined and have a newer release available. It will also create a pull request that can be merged when approved.

version: 2
  - package-ecosystem: github-actions
    directory: /
      interval: daily


Dependabot will only use .github/dependabot.yml found in the master branch of the repository.

In the second example, we’re telling Dependabot to scan for a Dockerfile in the root of the repository with the directory option. We also tell Dependabot to scan for a Dockerfile in the .devcontainer directory as well in the second section. This is a common practice for repositories with support for Docker and development containers in VSCode or GitHub CodeSpaces.

version: 2
  - package-ecosystem: docker
    directory: /
      interval: daily

  - package-ecosystem: docker
    directory: /.devcontainer
      interval: daily

Using different branches#

The master branch is scanned by default. You can also specify a branch to scan by adding the option target_branch per package ecosystem. The example below will let Dependabot scan and created pull requests for both the master and v1 branches.

version: 2
  - package-ecosystem: github-actions
    directory: /
      interval: daily
    target-branch: master

  - package-ecosystem: github-actions
    directory: /
      interval: daily
    target-branch: v1

Supported package ecosystem#

Dependabot supports multiple package ecosystems. Besides github-actions and docker, there is also support for Python, PHP, and Java. A complete and actual list of supported ecosystems can be found in the Dependabot documentation.

version: 2
  - package-ecosystem: github-actions
    directory: /
      interval: daily

  - package-ecosystem: pip
    directory: /
      interval: daily

The number of pull requests#

By default, Dependabot will create a pull request for each update found and will limit this to 5 open pull requests. This can be changed by adding the option open-pull-requests-limit and setting a different value.

version: 2
  - package-ecosystem: github-actions
    directory: /
      interval: daily

  - package-ecosystem: pip
    directory: /
      interval: daily
    open-pull-requests-limit: 10


Dependabot will rebase open pull requests on the target branch when the target branch is updated. This will also trigger workflows that are defined in the updated branch and will consume time from your GitHub Actions budget.

Scheduling scan interval#

In all examples, we scanned the repository daily at a random time, but it can also be specified by setting a time and also a timezone. It can also be set to a weekly schedule that by default runs on a Monday, but it can be set to the day of the week. And finally, the schedule can also be set to run on a specific day of the month with a monthly schedule and if no day is specified, then it will run on the first day of the month.

version: 2
  - package-ecosystem: github-actions
    directory: /
      interval: daily
      time: "09:00"
      timezone: "Europe/Amsterdam"

  - package-ecosystem: pip
    directory: /
      interval: monthly
      day: 3

  - package-ecosystem: docker
    directory: /
      interval: weekly
      day: friday


As with the open-pull-requests-limit option, the schedule interval will influence the time consumed from your GitHub Actions budget. Picking the right interval for Dependabot to scan your dependencies is essential and for a lot of repositories, the monthly interval is the most efficient.

Conclusions about Dependabot#

Dependabot is a great tool to get started with and is a great way to get alerted when a security-related update has been found. It is also a great way to get your dependencies up to date regularly. It does require a little bit of planning to come to a sane interval to scan repositories. It can both burn your GitHub Actions budget and be a burden on developers if too many pull requests are opened.

In the end, Dependabot helps developers to keep their dependencies up to date without much effort. Not all settings were covered in this post, but you can find more information on the Dependabot documentation.