Posts tagged lint

How to use GitHub Actions to automatically upload to GitHub Wiki

GitHub is a great platform for hosting open source projects. It provides a lot of features for free, including a wiki for documentation. However, the wiki is primarily designed to be edited through the web interface. This is not ideal for a lot of reasons as it makes it difficult to track changes from the repository. But there is a way to automatically upload to the wiki using GitHub Actions as GitHub provides a way to checkout the wiki as a separate repository.

The first step is to create a GitHub Action that will upload the wiki. This can be done by creating a new file in the .github/workflows directory. The following example shows how to create a GitHub Action that will upload the wiki on every push to the master branch and on every change to the .github/workflows/wiki.yml file or the wiki directory.

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Fix an Ansible-lint key-order violation

Ansible allows for structured configurations on how to deploy applications and servers, but also for repetitive tasks. All these actions are defined in YAML files that rely on indentation and this is where Ansible can act in a way that isn’t expected. With yamllint most formatting and layout issues can be found, but with ansible-lint also common mistakes for Ansible can be detected.

As ansible-lint is a step in the CI-workflow a dependency upgrade started a CI-workflow to scan all Ansible Playbooks to be scanned with the latest version of Ansible-lint and found a violation that must be resolved before the pull request can be successfully merged. Running Ansible-lint after checking out the code the error shown below was found and indicates that the order of the keys in YAML isn’t in the correct order.

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