Posts tagged PHP

PHP 7.3 and forbidden functions

Last month PHP 7.3.0 was released and with that a lot of functions or aliases were deprecated that may lead to issues down the road. While Xdebug still needs to be released for PHP 7.3 an automated test with GitLab isn’t possible yet as the build phase of Xdebug fails. Luckily I’m using PHP CodeSniffer and extending phpcs.xml.dist with the lines below make the build already fail if any of the forbidden functions are being used in the code.

Hopefully PHP Code Sniffer will be extended to check on deprecated constants as well, but for now all code running on PHP 7.2 can be checked to run smoothly on PHP 7.3 and later.

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Starting to stop SQL injections, part 2

In a previous posting, I gave an example of how to make database queries safer by using parameter binding and basically stopping SQL injections. The next step is to make the code more readable and maintainable. This doesn’t sound like a priority for secure software development, but readable code is also code that can be verified and maintained by other people. It gives you the edge to debug problems quickly and invites others to supply patches. So let’s take the example where the previous posting ended.

For one or two parameters this may work, but when queries become bigger you need to start counting, and counting beyond three is a bad idea in most cases. Let’s change the question mark with a named variable called ‘:username’ in this example. One could then use the function bindParam() to specify which named variable needs to be replaced and has additional features, but in this example, we use the standard binding during in execute phase.

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Starting to stop SQL injections

In a lot of examples about PHP, strings are concatenated before a database query is executed as below. Some examples advise to use PHP-functions mysql_real_escape_string() and/or addslashes() to make database query safe against SQL-injections. But this isn’t really a solution as when using addslashes() also requires the use of stripslashes() after retrieving data from a database. Some sites show the lack of proper implementation and show the famous ' string on a website.

Like in Perl with DBI, also PHP has PDO that allows for variables to be parameterized while executing a query as in the example below. This removes the need for homemade solutions that don’t cover all use-cases and allows for a way to provide a stable and more secure interface for your applications when communicating with databases.

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Cleaning input enough?

Input validation is a known issue, but writing some PHP code today let me write the following and I’m wondering if I forgot something. It is only to make sure no cleansed variable will enter a switch statement for example.

For now, I need to check the code that no $_POST variable is entering the code unchecked before I put the code online. This also includes variables for SQL statements to eliminate SQL injections.

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